went for movie, alvin and the chipmunks with zhilin and cindy. it was nice, a good show i love. happy birthday to me yesterday (: thx so much to those ppl for tagging, sms, calling, testimonial, msn, face to face or by card, wishing me a happy birthday, i really appreciate it (: counting down for Christmas..
25 dec; a happy birthday to papa, my saviour...
blogged @ 9:56 PM
December 06, 2007'♥
God, you are my all in all
finished zhong ji yi jia months ago.. a nice show that is different from others. at least it is not about D love A, but A love B, however, B love C and C also love B, and B and C end up together..... -.-'' those triangle love story will only be found in show like why why love but nt in dis show ;p :p sry to why why love fans!
how to find peace? look up (:
blogged @ 10:36 PM
onlydine.blogspot ♥
Geraldine Known as Dine
A child of GOD
I'm imperfect but FORGIVEN
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life
so do not JUDGE. or you too will be judge
A westviewer. regentnite. Part of Pioneer Junior College
16 going 17 (:
Fuzzy Singapore
Playing the piano& Sleepping Tofu and spicy food :D
watching movies Family and friends :D Violet and yellow
Soft toys; Bears